Onto the finishing off. We’ve let them cool down a little bit now. Then lined them all up with one the right way up and one overturned. This makes it a lot easier when you come to pipe. Then we get the ganache, which has cooled down from being in the fridge a little bit now. I’ve actually taken off the nozzle as I find it easier, but you can leave it on there if you prefer. So we literally pipe our lovely smooth ganache onto each shell. Then we are going to sandwich the macarons together. Just press down and sandwich them up.
Once done pop them into a bowl. They do need to be refrigerated ideally, but I often find that I can’t wait! So if you’re like me and can’t resist then go for it! Oh look one has cracked so might have to eat it! Yum! But the rest keep them in the fridge for a day and then bring them back to room temperature. What you’ll find is the insides will actually soften up the shells and make them moist and even more yummy.
So there you have it, here are the finished macarons. Looking really lovely and sparkly. Thank you for watching and if you want to find out any more information about macarons or pâtissèrie just follow the Mon Dessert blog. Also next week we’ll have a Christmas special. So please join me for that one. So until then bye bye.